Life Replays: Remembering 2nd Grade

Last night I attended Open House at Issa’s school. She began second grade, Tuesday. My second-grade year began 32 years ago at North Hill Elementary, which is in the Rochester Community Schools District and to the west of where I currently reside.

What has me recalling those days when I was nearly eight? Issa’s teacher asked parents to recall and share two different memories — favorite subject and favorite memory– from second grade. We didn’t have to speak in front of a classroom full of peer parents. Whew! But, we did write these memories — in marker —  on big, yellow sheets of paper plastered to dry-erase boards at the front of the classroom. So, the teacher has us all on record.

Fave Subject in 2nd Grade

Remember that shopping mall scene in A Christmas Story? Ralphie waits in Santa’s lap line for hours. He wants a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas; and Santa is his go-to-man for making his dream reality. When it’s his turn, his mind goes blank. This happened to me as I approached one of the big, yellow sheet on the dry-erase board. I settled on a subject and and stepped forward to write. Then, I froze. What was my favorite subject in 2nd grade? That was ions ago. It certainly wasn’t math. Yuck! Science bored me. The pressure was on to remember. I had to write something. So, like Ralphie, I went with the first subject that came to mind; spelling. I was and am a strong speller. But, my fave subject was and is writing.

Fave Memory

This one was easier to recall and share. In fact, I was delighted to admit my fave memory is one Issa will appreciate and relate to. My favorite memory was taking an afternoon field trip in the spring to a pond at a church that neighbored my school. I attended this church growing up. Our mission that day was to catch toads, frogs, salamanders or any other creature that resided in the pond. So, there we were with nets, buckets and other items necessary for making successful captures. We were going to take our finds back to the classroom for further study and examination. Science is Issa’s favorite subject; and she very much enjoys learning all she can about amphibians, reptiles and insects. We are regulars at several local nature centers and at our neighborhood pond.

Check this out. Two years ago, a former second-grade classmate shared our class composite on Facebook. Now, I am sharing it with you. Can you guess which one is me?

kateschannel -- Kate -- Aug. 27

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I am a mom, writer, advocate, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, in-law, outlaw, friend, neighbor, Michigander,sports fan, moviegoer, music lover, novice yogi, sometimes runner and suburbanite of Nashville. I love my husband, children, family, friends, neighbors, home state, adopted state, country, planet, wine, beer, cocktails, coffee and Italian-Irish heritage.

4 thoughts on “Life Replays: Remembering 2nd Grade”

    1. @ Jennifer – Thanks for reading. I am reliving my childhood with my daughter and son. Will be referencing your style blog to aid in my upcoming style hunting escapades.


  1. @ Laughing Mom – It’s funny how I remember details from 2nd grade, but never remember if my husband fed the dog each night. I always have to ask him. Your BFF rant is so relevant. One of my sister’s friends from 2nd grade had a list; and it seemed all “her” girlfriends competed for the no. 1 slot. I remember my sister coming home in tears because she was bumped to 2nd or 3rd one week. Thankfully, my sister is wise and found other friends who didn’t keep lists.


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